Penetration Testing

Strengthen Your Information Security Posture with a Network, Web Application or an Express Penetration Test.

Work in a Regulated Industry?

For those under the regulatory microscope, compliance isn’t merely a checkbox; it’s about maintaining trust, avoiding penalties, and safeguarding growth. We understand the weight you carry in performing thorough network penetration tests.

Failure to meet obligations can lead to a myriad of problems.

  • Jeopardize insurance coverage
  • Fines
  • Regulatory backlash

Work in an Unregulated Industry?

For those venturing into cybersecurity programs without regulatory obligations, uncovering the strength of your defenses is a pivotal starting point. Whether it’s a vulnerability assessment or an automated scan, we tailor our approach to suit your specific needs as well as budget.

Again, failure to meet obligations can lead to a myriad of problems.

  • Neglecting network penetration testing in these sectors can leave your IT team uncertain of where to allocate resources
  • They could possibly miss crucial security gaps.

Enter: our team

Our team of seasoned penetration testers are here to work for you.

As a team, we grasp the broader organizational implications of our recommendations. This leads us to offer nuanced insights that go beyond ‘capturing flags’ to enhancing your overall organizational health.

Our expertise stems from hands-on defensive experience.

We comprehend your business obligations. This leads us to draft reports that clearly communication our findings to both technical as well as non-technical audiences. 

Beyond assessments, we conduct readiness evaluations, ensuring policy alignment beyond technical assessments.


How Do We Support Your Network Penetration Testing Needs?

  • External and Internal Testing: Assess security measures from both outside and within the network perimeter. The objective? To identify vulnerabilities accessible to both external attackers and insider threats.
  • We Provide a Comprehensive Assessment: This includes a thorough evaluation of network security architecture to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
  • Bespoke, Customized Solutions: Our tailored penetration test approach is based on the unique needs and specifications of each client’s network infrastructure. This is bespoke to your organization.
  • Detailed Reporting: Clear and concise reports outline the vulnerabilities we identified, their potential impact, and actionable recommendations for remediation.
  • Continuous Support: Ongoing support and guidance to address security concerns, implement recommended solutions, and enhance overall network resilience.

What is An Express Penetration Test?

  • An express penetration test is an external network penetration test utilizing solely automated tools.
  • There is no manual validation involved in the testing process. Because of this, it may not meet regulatory requirements due to lack of human oversight.
  • This format provides a starting point for organizations to begin penetration testing their network infrastructure.
  • It’s suitable for environments without strict regulatory compliance obligations.

Success look like…

Successful outcomes – and risks avoided – from a penetration test include:

  • Steer clear of financial or regulatory repercussions due to security inadequacies.
  • Remove any uncertainty about existing vulnerabilities 

do you have a question?

According to Network Assured, a penetration test can cost your business anywhere between $4,000 and $100,000 depending on a number of factors. At Parameter Security, our Penetration Tests begin at $10,000.

Let us narrow that range down for you so that it fits your exact business needs.